
Support academic collaboration and resource sharing, establish a professional teaching community, encourage students to make good use of online interactive learning platforms, and build an independent learning model to help parents become peers in their children’s growth and learning, and promote whole-person development and lifelong learning.

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Books are the greatest mentors for students. To increase students’ exposure to a wide range of literature, EdCity has been running a host of reading initiatives – from the Reading Charter to the eRead Scheme and various literary competitions and awards, among which, the Top Ten Book Picks remains the organisation’s flagship programme. This year’s edition saw over 50,000 students cast their votes, a new high that underscores the awards’ prestige and growing reading culture in schools.
Developing strong financial management skills equips students to better plan for their own futures and broaden their professional expertise. It also positions them to potentially become integral pillars of the economic and financial infrastructure that supports societal progress.
EdCity is dedicated to encouraging and cultivating a habit of reading among students and addressing the dynamic needs of education. To identify emerging reading phenomenon, EdCity surveyed secondary students and teachers from May to June 2024.

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